EDGY ETCHINGS (Story Book Princess X Jelly Maker) 6" flower, 23" scape, tet, EM, Sev, Pollen fertile $15.00
(Spacecoast Star Burst X Eleanor Roosevelt) 6"flower, 21" scape, tet, MLa, Sev, Fertilel both ways $20.00DF
MEDIEVAL KING (Gluck 2015) (Ed Brown X Awesome Blossom X Fashion Police X Green Revolution) 7" flower 27" scape Tet. MLa. Sev. Fertile both ways Rich dark violet eye with darker veining, rose purple petals, wide ruffled yellow & bright Chartreuse edge. $15.00 DF
HERMAN'S PICK (Gluck 2015) (Bali Watercolor X Catcher In The Eye) 8" flower, 27" scape, tet, EM, EV, fertile both ways Green throat into a yellow green patterned eye on lavender petals and sepals. $20.00 DF
LADY OF DISTINCTIO (Gluck 2015)(Awesome Blossom X Clothed In GloryX Jelly Maker) 6" flower, 24" scape Tet. MLa, Sev. Fertile both ways Cream with raspberry eye and yellow double edge, yellow throat. $15.00 DF
QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S GOWN (Gluck 2015) (Clothed In Glory X Alexa Kathryn) 7" flower 27" scape Tet. MLa. Dor. Reb. Green to yellow throat. Rich antique rose self with a double rose/yellow ruffled edge. $15.00 DF Held for increase